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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Bess at The Ranch!

(FYI this is a long post so if you don't want to read the story that's fine, but look at the pictures and videos, but trust me the story is entertaining!)

Hi everyone! Yes, it happened, Bess finally went to the ranch! If you don't know what that is, my uncle owns a ranch in St.Helena and we visit it every year for Thanksgiving and stay at a house (called the Bunk House) on the property. We had brought Bonnie there many times, but after we got Bess, we couldn't bring them because she was still a puppy. So this Thanksgiving we brought them and Bess LOVED it! And I took pictures! :)

So first, it's a 2 hour drive up to the ranch, and Bess had never taken a car ride that long before. We wanted to put Bess and Bonnie in the same car, but both of their crates would not fit, so we had to take them in 2 seperate cars. Now Bess may seem to be a bossy, confident, pup, but without Bonnie around she is shy, terrified, and in panic mode. She will not eat, go on a walk, or do anything besides pace around the house searching for Bonnie (for example when we take Bonnie to the vet).And if Bonnie is gone more than 1 hour, Bess will go to her crate and lie there, depressed. So on the car ride there, Bess was silent. The whole time. I'm pretty sure she thought her life was over. But then we stopped at a outside diner and let Bess out.

She was shaking and scared out of her mind. She would not pee either. Then the other car pulled up, and we opened the trunk to let Bonnie out, and Bess was very frightened of what was in the car, she wouldn't approach it. But Bonnie hopped out, went over to Bess and Bess licked Bonnie, got all excited and happy, and...

That was it. She was taking the lead, sniffing around, did her business, and she was "top dog" again!

So after we had lunch at the diner, we took them (we let Bess stay in Bonnie's crate for the 15 minute drive to the ranch, so she was fine) to the Bunk House and let them out, do their business and sniff around the house. Bonnie remembered it, and adjusted fine, but Bess was sniffing everywhere, and was extremely alert and cautious of this new home (for 4 days). After a while she calmed down.

One thing Bonnie remembered where the bean bags. She loves the bean bags. Let me explain. We had brought some bean bags up one time, because we didn't need them and Bonnie assumed they were dog beds. There are 3 in all, and she manages to lay on all 3. So we brought those out into the living room/kitchen area and Bonnie's tail starting wagging, she hopped in them, and started kneading them and pushing them to make the perfect bed for herself. So here are some pictures of her enjoying them, and Bess later found out she enjoyed them too :)
Lastly, we take the puppies on walks along the paths on the ranch, and this is the only time they get to be off lead on a walk! So this was Bess's first time, and she loved it! I have a video of Bonnie playing in a puddle, and then running around with Bess:
Also a video of them running side by side:
Aren't they cute? Well thats all! Bess is eager to go back to the ranch! And so are we! Happy Holidays!

Cute Photo Time!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Protecting: The B's Way

Our dogs are great protectors. Well, at least in their point of view. For example, my mom was sick these past couple days, so she has been in bed, watching TV, or reading. So Bonnie and Bess come in to the room so they can do what they do best: Comfort! They lay next to her side of the bed and will do one of the following; a. sleep, and b. beg for pets and belly rubs. So it's comfort for them! But they also are worried so they are good doggies and keep her company. How sweet! So here are some photos of the two of them snuggling while lying beside their mommy's bed:

Bess is such a good dog she spends almost the entire day next to my mom's bed! Bonnie goes in there too, but not as much (she's more about the comfort for herself) But that's ok they are both great dogs and we love them so much!

Till next time! And please comment on what your pet does while your sick(also vote in the poll :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

What Is That Big Noisy Thing?

Hi everyone! Now you may have seen on the side about "Bess and the Corner". Bess, when scared, goes and crawls under this desk in the corner of the family room/kitchen. She sometimes will also go up against the side of the couch that is in a shape of a big "U" so it's like a small den. And rarely she will go inside her crate, but that can be a little too close to the kitchen with big noisy stuff. What is she scared of you ask? Lets see...the blender, the mixer, the vacuum, really any loud, noisy and odd shaped object, that seems to be "alive". Now the vacuum is the most challenging for her, since it moves around the house. She has to decide whether to risk from going out from her desk, to say, her crate, (or her other hiding places), or stay safe where she is. She has a frantic look on her face, unsure what to do. But once the vacuum gets close enough, a little too close for comfort, she tip-toes away to a new spot (making sure the mechanical beast does not hear her-:)-). Even Bonnie is a little afraid of the vacuum! But she will go and check it out, until it gets to close and then she slowly backs away.

So, to show you our little frightened Bess, here are some pictures:

These are from a couple months ago when my mom was making soup, and used a tool to mix the soup(it's really loud) I'm not sure what it's called though...

This was just a couple days ago:
She fell asleep while she was hiding under the desk! Aw poor Bessie!

And here is one where she took comfort with some sneakers as she hide from the horrible, so-called "hand mixer" Oooooo scary...

So that's all for today! Hopefully I can video the next time we bring out anything scary (in her opinion), maybe even the vacuum! Bess is already quivering at the thought of it, so I'll drop the subject for now. I added on the side of this post an item called "My Blog List" that shows 2 blogs, made by my friends(2 different friends) who decided to make blogs about their dogs after seeing Growing Up Bess. Please check them out the makers of the blogs would really appreciate some views and followers! Also I added "Follow by email" so you don't need a special account to follow my blog, you can just get email updates (instead of from me!) If you haven't voted on the poll yet, please do! I made it before this post but it's related to the topic so please vote and comment!

Have a great day!

P.S. As said before, the website that I make this blog on, had a major update so the formatting is different, and they have some problems so it takes a while to make posts for me so I appreciate your patience!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Techy Stuff

Hi everyone! Sorry no pictures today. I wanted to show everyone how to comment, and follow this blog, since I've had people asking me how. And I wanted to tell everyone about a new blog called The Paw Print. My friend saw my blog and she decided to make one about her dog named Bailey. She's super cute and even looks a little bit like Bonnie! She would really like some more views and followers! Heres the link:

Now this is how to comment on a blog:

1. On a post, at the bottom, there will be a link that says "_ comments" For example it would be "0 comments" or
"1 comments". So click on that link, its pretty small so you have to look for it.

2. Then it will show the post, and the comments for the post, and then there is a white box
titled "Post a Comment".

3. Then type in your comment in the white box.

4. Then you choose who you want to "Comment As". You click the little arrows. If you have a Google or Gmail account, that will be an option and I suggest that. If you don't, click the very last one "Anonymous", and in your comment you can mention who you are if you want.

5. Next, click Post Comment. BUT WAIT! YOUR NOT DONE! The page will reload and a handicap box will pop up. A handicap box has letters but slightly hard to read. You have to type in the letters (no spaces). They do this to make sure that its a person reading the blog and not a virus or bug. Or something like that.

6. Sometimes the handicap box will not pop up, and it will just reload the page and your comment is in the white box, but hasn't been posted. So you have to click "Post Comment" again. Usually you have to do this 2 or 3 times until the handicap box comes up. You type in the random letters (no spaces) and click Post Comment again.

Now you have posted a comment! I know it seems like it takes a while, but it doesn't it's actually very easy.

To follow this blog, there is a button up in the top left area of the blog titled "Follow". Then just follow the directions from there! You have to have a google account, I think it can also work with Yahoo accounts as well. Or you can follow the blog by going down by "followers" and in small print is "Sign In" and then follow the directions.

I'm going to post a comment on this so for you people reading this, it will say "1 comments" at the bottom. I hope everyone posts a comment after they read this! Please! Sorry it's so long, so for your patience, I reward you with one cute Bess picture! Enjoy and try commenting!

P.S. The website has updated so the posts are in a different style. I can make them the old way, but its more complicated so sometimes the posts may look different if I don't have enough time. Just a heads up!

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Hi everyone! Happy Labor Day Weekend! I know that I said before I would be posting "A Day in the Life of Bess", but I'm having some technical difficulties with that post (I think the website had a glitch when I was trying to post it), so I'm posting this!

Now I decided to show everyone what its like to eat something on the couch (like some cheerios) with Bess around. This is from my point of view:

First she peeks up at you,

Then she jumps up,

Then she gets a little closer,

And a little closer,

And then she tries to use her back legs to climb up, but she has such short legs that unless she has something to boost her (like stepping onto Bonnie's back) or having us help her up, she fails to climb up all the way.

Now I'm sure I've mentioned before that she barks a lot, but also makes these "arrooooooo" sounds, like a mix between a howl and a bark. They are hilarious. So I was able to catch a little bit of one on video, but its quiet small and short, so its more like a sneak preview of her funny sounds. I'll try to get a full howl/bark on video in the future, but for now enjoy this sneak peek!

Isn't she cute? That's all for this post, I'll try to fix the other post so you can see that as well, along with a full on "ARRROOOO" from Bess! Have a great weekend! Please comment and vote on the new poll!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Day in the Life of Bonnie (Special Edition!)

Welcome to the special edition of Growing Up Bess, " Growing Up Bonnie!" Today we will tour through a day in the life of Bonnie (with some cute photos to add the "awwwww" effect)

First she wakes up, and whoever's bed she is in, she gets them up to feed her. Then we take them outside to do their business, and then we give both of them breakfast and 3 small chewies. Then some one will wake up and come out to have breakfast, watch TV, or whatever they do to start their day.

The puppies then either play with their new stuffed toy caterpillar:

or sleep in many different places ( the one with William in the bean bag, look in the back, Bonnie is on the couch!):

When Charlotte or I am home alone, Bon-Bon protects us (the 2 pictures in the far bottom right)!

Then they will either go to the dog park, or go for a walk. Sadly, I can't post those videos because they are too long and the blog website won't allow it :(

Then they have dinner and go to bed, Bonnie always sleeps with either Charlotte or me, so here are some photos of that:

Hope you enjoyed! I'm sorry the pictures are in a weird order the computer just randomly places them and I can't move them. The day in the life of Bess is coming soon!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Vacation! ( at Petsmart)

Aloha! Sorry again for not frequently posting. Right now my family and I are at Maui! Where are our little puppies you ask? At the Petsmart hotel of course! There they get to have have playtimes and treats! Normally we would get the package of 2 playtimes and 2 treats for both Bonnie and Bess. But Bess what looking a little on the porky side, and Bonnie doesn't like to play as much since she's older, so we got Bonnie 1 playtime and 2 snacks, and Bess 2 playtimes and NO snacks! She's not going to be very happy about that...Since they have such great treats! One is a Kong filled with peanut butter. And the other is a " Frosty Paws" which is a ice cream treat, but for doggies! So hopefully both of them will have a great time. Bess seemed a little to excited while we were taking them out to the car and she bolted and yanked the leash out of my hand. She pulled so hard she dislocated my finger! Youch! But my finger is getting better and I forgive her because she's so cute...I can't help it! Here's a cute photo of her (a little before we took them to Petsmart, watching my mom pack) to prove it!

I'll try to post more often! Enjoy Your Summer!